Aromacology and aromatherapy, the use of essential oils
All the smells that we know in our life leave a footprint on our memory, only with a description of some smell in a specific moment, you can imagine, or remember that, with the colors, textures and feelings. But the taste of the smells always depend on the specific experiences of the people, which foods they like or not, even the way that the parents educated them.
The truth is that we in general, ignore the power of our sense of the smell, just to pass near smelly garbage on the street could change our thoughts and feelings. The aromas are stimuli that send messages to our brain, they could be relaxation, happiness, disgust, sadness, or other feelings, it depends, as we said, on the experience of each person and their tastes.
This phenomenon is known as “Aromacology” and is a concept very close, sometimes confused with the aromatherapy, but there exists an important difference between these two words, lets see it:
This concept is focused on the scientific study of the actions of the aromas on our Central Nervous System, and the study of how we create emotional, conductual and congenital relations with the aromas or smells.
It is a relatively modern science, and there is a lot to explore and studies to do. One of the most popular studies is the “Effects of fragrance inhalation on sympathetic activity in normal adults” where the experts find that some essential oils stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, and others help to relax it, for example: The pepper oil stimulates it, rose oil relaxes it.
These studies are very interesting, we are just waiting for more results, because the more discoveries are made about the benefits of essential oil use, the more people will have them within their reach.
Benefits of Aromacology
- Well, as we said, the aromacology is based on scientific study, so one of the most important benefits is the scientific advance and the knowing of the benefits of the use of essential oils, to know the benefits of the use of nature as a complementary therapy.
Aromachology discoverys
- With the jasmine aroma, we improve our concentration and our high emotional mood, and sandal aroma improves our relaxing mood.
- With lavender, orange, jasmine and chamomile, we can improve our memory and concentration.
This is an ancestral technique, based on the use of the pure essential oils, extracted from some plants that represent various and specific benefits for our health, and have a therapeutic effect on us, you can use the aromatherapy in different ways and obtain different results on the feelings and mood.
Actually, aromatherapy is considered a complementary medicine to our health benefits, that could be applied with massages, through diffusers, or taking a warm bath with some drops of the essential oil.
We recommend you our diffusers, you can see them here.
Benefits of Aromatherapy
- The benefits of aromatherapy depend on the essential oil that you use and the way that you do the therapy. There are some articles where we delve into the benefits of some essential oils.
We recommend you to read our blogs with all the benefits of the oils, you can click here, to see them.
What essential oils can I use to feel better?
There are a lot of uses and benefits of the essential oil, but in this case, if you want to improve your mood, reduce stress, have happy moments or have a more relaxing environment, it is a good idea to use essential oils.
The truth is that all the essential oils have a lot of benefits for us and it is very common to use them for aromatherapy destination, but, specific for the well-being, the best choices are:
- Grapefruit
- Orange
- Lemon
- Peppermint
- Ylang ylang
- Bergamot
You can find all these essential oils on our website.
Ways to use the aromatherapy oils
The essential oils have a lot of ways to use and applications, there is a list of some uses that you can find.
- The essential oil could be applied directly on the skin.
- Taking a warm bath with some drops of the oils, you can mix your favorite oils to have a better experience.
- Take a warm infusion, just a cup of hot water with some drops of oils. (Before to eat them, see if the oil is edible and consult with your doctor).
- The best way to use the essential oils is a diffuser. If you want to apply the aromatherapy, that is to say do the inhalation of essential oils, the diffuser is the more elegant and easy way to have it.
If you want to know more about the benefits of the use of the diffusers, and know more about the benefits of the essential oils that we have for you, remember to follow us.
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